How to maintain productivity when the world as you know it has ended

I received some bad news this morning. Really bad. Likely to have far-reaching consequences. I’m distracted. I feel shock, sadness, shame. I want to run to social media to find out more and the thought of wallowing in the commiseration revolts me. I’m struggling to remember the good advice I know about catastrophe. Breathe. Put […]
How much fear is the right amount?

We felt a couple of earthquakes last night (10.26.16)– a 5.5 and 6.1 plus some noticeable aftershocks. Good sized shakers worthy of some fright. No noticeable effects other than rattling dishes and some cupboard doors opening. The epicenter was 100 km south of here. After the initial thoughts of “oh shit how bad is this […]
I’m just a girl who can’t say yes.

Overcoming resistance is my biggest hurdle. It sneaks up on me and pulls me down like Jupiter’s gravity. Everything feels like too much trouble. “If I got off my butt to do that (go for a walk, tidy that mess, do that business-building activity) then I’d have to do the thing that follows it and […]
What Keeps You Committed?

A number of years ago at a training I learned about a Personality Quadrant that divided people into groups based on 2 scales— whether they were formal or informal and dominant or easygoing. At the time I was sort of borderline between two types and trying to narrow it down. The instructor said that one […]