Strange Missing Holiday

All this week I’ve had an almost physical sensation about the approaching holiday. It’s like knowing it’s “back to school” time when the seasons change even when it has been MANY years since you were a student. But around here I’m the only one feeling it because Italians don’t celebrate Thanksgiving. You don’t see coolers […]
When Nobody’s Listening

Do you ever get the feeling that you’re invisible? You make a good point or offer a wise suggestion and people simply talk over you. Maybe someone says the exact same thing you just said and everyone hears and agrees, leaving you standing there shaking your head or checking to see if you’re still corporeal. […]
That’s A Morass

I’m in an energetic swamp– no actually that does a disservice to swamps. Some of them are more beautiful and alive than what I’m feeling. Outside the sun is shining. It’s nice temperature for walking. And I feel as though I’m dragging around sandbags every time I take step. All I want to do is […]
Take The Class

I first heard about the master class called FabriJazz as an announcement at a concert last summer. I had just had the fabulous opportunity to sing with a large jazz orchestra and was high on the experience. The announced class was to take place at the end of August and there was still time to […]
How High The Moon

My week-long jazz masterclass begins tomorrow. I’ve been looking forward to it for a year and I’m over the moon. I’m not entirely sure what to expect. I know that there are jam sessions in local cafes every night. I intend to make the most of any and all performing opportunities but that means I’ll […]