Take The Class
I first heard about the master class called FabriJazz as an announcement at a concert last summer. I had just had the fabulous opportunity to sing with a large jazz orchestra and was high on the experience. The announced class was to take place at the end of August and there was still time to […]
Neither Fish Nor Fowl
I don’t think of myself as a person who doesn’t have opinions. I can generally sense my preference– this yes, that no. I can determine what to order from a gigantic menu. But recently I’ve become aware of my tendency to hang out in a wishy washy middle area, wanting to agree with every point […]
Just Be Yourself!
Just Be Yourself. I’m sure I’ve said that to people and intended it to be helpful. I apologize. Right now I have that phrase rattling around in my head and I have no idea what it means. What do I do? What are the instructions for being myself? Does this seem like a silly question? […]
Working on your behalf
A client mentioned to me recently that she has deep desire to streamline her life and get rid of unnecessary clutter, but at the same time she has a strong urge to hold onto things– like out-of-date reference material and folders she hasn’t looked at in a dozen years. She explains it as a hoarding […]
Up Close and Personal
I want to have open genuine conversations with people to get to know each other better. I want to practice curiosity. I want to approach people without a bulletproof vest of reserve. I want to engage in exchanges like this often and easily. To some people I know, this is like breathing. To me, these […]