What I'm Doing Now
Now I am the producer and editor of Unpacking Peanuts, the podcast where 3 cartoonists take an in-depth look at the greatest comic strip of all time– Peanuts by Charles M. Schulz.
We started in March of 2022. We’re coming up on 100 episodes. Our audience is growing. We just did a live Q&A for Patreon supporters.
I do a lot of work to make it happen but it’s mostly a joy.
Everything I’ve mentioned so far I could do from anywhere but we happen to live in a beautiful country that people dream of visiting. Our apartment is 800-years-old. After the pandemic we bought an old vineyard and olive orchard to have a place in nature. I sing in a local choir and we had the opportunity to sing at St. Peter’s and Santa Maria Maggiore in Rome.

I’m trying to improve my Italian– I take lessons and practice conversation. It’s embarrassing how poorly I speak the language considering we’ve been here over 10 years. We became friends with too many English speakers and got lazy.
We have a band and play Michael’s music. We perform in gorgeous piazzas and hillsides in the region.